Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Oracle minimal client installation

1. Oracle basic client/or basic lite in case you need only English language. (oracle litebasic for windows is only 8 megs, how beautiful is that!)

2. These environment variables are to be set:

$ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} = "d:/oracle";
$ENV{'TNS_ADMIN'} = "d:/oracle";
$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} = "d:/oracle";

3. Put tnsnames.ora in the path specified by $ENV{'TNS_ADMIN'}

Sunday, November 25, 2007

DBD::Oracle Activestate Perl on Windows

1. Oracle 9 oci.dll has problems with the function calls within oralce.dll by Activestate

2. Do not use the Graphical Perl Package Manager use ppm install/uninstall command prompt tool instead

3. Download the Oracle instant client avaiable from Activestate. (agree to the oracle disclaimer at the end of the ppm install DBD-oracle)

4. If after complete installation of DBD-Oracle still you got messages like procedure entry point not found, replace the oralce client oci.dll with the ones provided by activestate.

You are good to go

Monday, November 19, 2007

Oracle Sort Paging

Oracle does not have the keyword limit like mysql, you have to select couple of rows and limit them by rownumbers, this may cause problems when sorting because you may only sort the set that you have selected, so first select and sort all then limit by rownums

select * from
    (select p.*, rownum r from
        (select * from all_objects order by object_name) p
    where rownum < 20)
where r > 10;


Friday, November 16, 2007

bash echo problem with filenames with whitespaces

taken from http://textsnippets.com/posts/show/1105 --thanks so much guys

Bash Internal field seperator has to be changed to $'\n' like this

export IFS=$'\n'

now when u do
for i in `ls`;echo $i;done

spaces will not be treated as field seperators and consequently the whole filename is displayed completely.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

ORACLE 9 installation document error

ALTHOUGH oracle 9 installation document tells you that ORACLE_BASE does not have to be set prior to installation of oracle, THIS IS TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!!! YOU HAVE TO SET ORACLE_BASE.

Monday, November 05, 2007

solaris install window decoration/theme

solaris install window decoration/theme with http://www.blastwave.org CSW qt and kde packages. (all installed in default locations)

./configure --with-qt-dir=/opt/csw/kde-gcc --with-qt-includes=/opt/csw/include

** in case KDE libs were not being found although they were installed remove QT libs from $LD_LIBRATY_PATH just keep KDE libs,

*** REMOVE anything you added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in case your applications started behaving erratically.